Ken Silverman (born November 1, 1975) is an American game programmer, best known for writing the Build engine used in Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood, and more than a dozen other games in the mid- to late-1990s.
Once considered the primary rival of John Carmack (later succeeded by Tim Sweeney), Silverman started work on the Build engine sometime before his first semester at Brown University in 1993, under a contract with Apogee Software.
In the wake of Duke Nukem 3D and other Build engine games, Silverman left the commercial game industry.
Silverman has been CTO and co-founder of Ardfry Imaging, LLC responsible for the PNG Compression tool PNGOUT.
He is the founder and Chief Computer Scientist of Voxiebox, makers of the Voxiebox holographic 3D arcade game system.
Ken Silveman has said that he has not (and will not) copyright any content from his website, he has also given pemission for this to be uploaded here. License:
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