Anita Kurmann, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Anita Kurmann

Swiss endocrinologist and thyroid surgeon

Date of Birth: 22-Nov-1976

Date of Death: 07-Aug-2015

Profession: surgeon, endocrinologist

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Anita Kurmann

  • Anita Agatha Kurmann (November 22, 1976 – August 7, 2015) was a Swiss endocrinologist and thyroid surgeon. She studied medicine in Basel and worked at the Inselspital in Bern, then moved to Boston to train in research at the Beth Israel Deaconess hospital, where she was a post-doctoral fellow.
  • She worked with a multi-institution group based at Boston University that was the first to generate thyroid cell progenitors and thyroid follicular organoids from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) in mice, and thyroid cell progenitors from induced PSCs in humans.
  • This was achieved by establishing the signalling required to create a thyroid lineage, namely BMP4 and FGF2.
  • It was shown that thyroid hormones were secreted by the mice organoids after transplantation into mice.Kurmann was planning to return to Switzerland to become head of endocrine surgery at the Inselspital, but was killed in a bicycle crash in Boston.
  • As she was riding south on Mass Ave, a flatbed tractor trailer turned right onto Beacon Street in front of her and Anita was run over by the trailer's wheels.
  • The group's paper of which she was co-lead author was dedicated to her memory. In the police report, Boston police state the truck driver had his right turn signal active for eight seconds prior to the turn, and that Kurmann was riding in a bus lane when she was struck.
  • Bicycle advocates maintain she had the right to use that lane.Police investigators concluded that Kurmann failed to recognize the truck was turning and was riding in the truck's blind spot.
  • All large trucks have 4 documented blind spots, the largest of which is on the right side of the vehicle.
  • Though trucks in many European countries have begun to utilize or require a 6 mirror system to eliminate the driver's inability to see in these blindspots and/or advanced collision sensors with automatic braking, no such equipment is required for large trucks driving on America's urban roads. In the city of London in the UK, trucks, or lorries as they're called, were connected with more than half of all cycling deaths and a quarter of pedestrian deaths even though they only make up 4% of the city's traffic.
  • To protect its cyclists, London is set to ban all trucks without the appropriate anti-collision and/or 6 mirror blindspot visibility systems in 2020.
  • “Our groundbreaking direct vision standard will be the first of its kind in the world, directly addressing the issue of lethal driver blindspots.
  • I’m also proud that TfL will lead by example and will not use any zero-star lorries in its supply chain from the new financial year," said London's Mayor Sadiq Khan.Following this crash, the intersection of Beacon Street where it occurred was equipped with advanced stop lines.

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