Sigurður Einarsson (economist), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Sigurður Einarsson (economist)

Icelandic banker

Date of Birth: 19-Sep-1960

Place of Birth: Reykjavík, Capital Region, Iceland

Profession: economist, banker, university teacher

Nationality: Iceland

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Sigurður Einarsson (economist)

  • Sigurður Einarsson (born 19 September 1960) is an Icelandic economist, businessman, and one-time chairman of the failed bank Kaupþing, and has been called 'Iceland's most controversial banker'.
  • He was among the so-called Icelandic 'raiding Vikings' (útrásarvíkingar) until the 2008–2011 Icelandic financial crisis, being paid an average of twelve million Icelandic krónur per month in 2007.
  • In a statement which he issued on October 9, 2008, he attributed the collapse to Kaupþing to a 'chain of events which no-one foresaw or could have controlled' ('atburðarás[ar] sem enginn sá fyrir eða gat haft stjórn á').The UK newspaper The Observer reported that Sigurður, together with other employees of Kaupþing, were suspected of criminal conduct, and in March 2013, he was indicted in Reykjavík 'with orchestrating five large-scale market manipulation conspiracies', in what was the largest prosecution related to the 2008 Icelandic financial crisis so far.

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