Jadwiga Lenartowicz-Rylko (October 1, 1910 – December 2, 2010) was a Polish Catholic physician imprisoned in the Ravensbruck, Gross-Rosen, Neusalz, and Flossenbürg concentration camps operated by the German Third Reich during World War II.
While Lenartowicz was incarcerated as a political prisoner, she was assigned to medically treat the prisoners held captive in Adolf Hitler's multiple Nazi concentration camps by working as a camp doctor.
Lenartowicz was the daughter of a feldsher.
As Lenartowicz grew up, she watched her father take care of his patients in the city of Lódz.
She went on to follow in his footsteps going into the medicine.
Once completed with medical school, she would go on to her residency at the Anna Maria Hospital.
World War II would affect her life the most when she would be arrested by the Gestapo.