Bill Mantlo, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Bill Mantlo

comic-book writer

Date of Birth: 09-Nov-1951

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Profession: lawyer, comics writer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Bill Mantlo

  • William Timothy Mantlo (born November 9, 1951) is an American comic book writer, primarily at Marvel Comics.
  • He is best known for his work on two licensed toy properties whose adventures occurred in the Marvel Universe: Micronauts and Rom, as well as co-creating the characters Rocket Raccoon and Cloak and Dagger.
  • An attorney who worked as a public defender, Mantlo was the victim of a hit-and-run accident in 1992 and has been in institutional care ever since.

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