C. J. Cherryh, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


C. J. Cherryh

United States science fiction and fantasy author

Date of Birth: 01-Sep-1942

Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Profession: writer, translator, novelist, science fiction writer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About C. J. Cherryh

  • Carolyn Janice Cherry (born September 1, 1942), better known by the pen name C.
  • J.
  • Cherryh, is an American writer of speculative fiction.
  • She has written more than 80 books since the mid-1970s, including the Hugo Award-winning novels Downbelow Station (1981) and Cyteen (1988), both set in her Alliance-Union universe.
  • She is known for "world building", depicting fictional realms with great realism supported by vast research in history, language, psychology, and archeology. Cherryh (pronounced "Cherry") appended a silent "h" to her real name because her first editor, Donald A.
  • Wollheim, felt that "Cherry" sounded too much like a romance writer.
  • She used only her initials, C.J., to disguise that she was female at a time when the majority of science fiction authors were male.The author has an asteroid, 77185 Cherryh, named after her.
  • Referring to this honor, the asteroid's discoverers wrote of Cherryh: "She has challenged us to be worthy of the stars by imagining how mankind might grow to live among them."

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