Frans de Cort, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Frans de Cort

Belgian writer

Date of Birth: 21-Jun-1834

Place of Birth: Antwerp, Flemish Region, Belgium

Date of Death: 18-Jan-1878

Profession: writer, poet, politician, linguist

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Frans de Cort

  • Frans Jozef de Cort (21 June 1834, in Antwerp – 18 January 1878, in Elsene), was a Flemish writer.
  • Professionally he was, first a clerk, editor, bookkeeper for a shipping company, and in 1861 a secretary at the military court. Together with Jan Theodoor van Rijswijck, he published the journal De Grondwet since 1857.
  • In 1858, he became editor of the magazine De Schelde.
  • From 1861 on, he became head editor of De Toekomst, an illustrated magazine for education, which had been founded by his father-in-law Johan Michiel Dautzenberg.
  • He was a convinced Flemish-liberal poet, and he wrote songs like Jan Theodoor van Rijswijck, and also more romantic songs, such as Moeder en kind (E: Mother and child), which excelled by their simplicity. He devoted himself to the more technical side of poetry and translated songs of Robert Burns (De schoonste liederen van R.
  • Burns, 1862) and of the Odes of Horatius.

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