Rebecca Salsbury James, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Rebecca Salsbury James

self-taught American painter

Date of Birth: 21-Dec-1891

Place of Birth: London

Date of Death: 08-Jul-1968

Profession: artist, painter, botanical illustrator, scientific illustrator

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Rebecca Salsbury James

  • Rebecca Salsbury James (1891–1968) self-taught American painter, born in London, England of American parents who were traveling with the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show.
  • She settled in New York City, where she married photographer Paul Strand.
  • Following her divorce from Strand, James moved to Taos, New Mexico where she fell in with a group that included Mabel Dodge Luhan, Dorothy Brett, and Frieda Lawrence.
  • In 1937 she married William James, a businessman from Denver, Colorado who was then operating the Kit Carson Trading Company in Taos.
  • She remained in Taos until her death in 1968. James is noted for her “large scale flower blossoms and still lifes painted on glass." She also worked on colcha embroidery, a traditional Hispanic New Mexico craft style.

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