Dražen Bošnjak is a composer and sound designer based in New York City.
He founded Q Department, Mach1, and Department of Records.
He has created soundtracks and sound design for a number of films, television shows, video games, advertisements, and more recently, virtual reality projects.In 2014, he composed a soundtrack for John Perry Barlow's narrated version of A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, released through Bošnjak's own label.
The recording was featured in the 2016 BBC documentary HyperNormalisation by British filmmaker Adam Curtis.
Bošnjak has worked on numerous projects with Marco Brambilla including Ghost starring Natasha Poly, Evolution (Megaplex) 3D, and Ferrari's RPM.
His collaborations with Brambilla have been shown at numerous festivals including the Sundance Film Festival and Art Basel, Miami.Bošnjak has won numerous awards for his work including a Webby Award, an Association of Music Producers Award, and several Clio Awards.
He has worked on projects that have been shown at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and the Tribeca Film Festival.