Albertus Soegijapranata, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Albertus Soegijapranata

Catholic bishop

Date of Birth: 25-Nov-1896

Place of Birth: Surakarta, Indonesia

Date of Death: 22-Jul-1963

Profession: Catholic priest, cleric

Nationality: Indonesia

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Albertus Soegijapranata

  • This is an Indonesian name; it does not have a family name.
  • The name Albertus is a baptismal name, and the subject should be referred to by his birth name Soegija or his adult name Soegijapranata, as appropriate.Albertus Soegijapranata, SJ ([al'b?rt?s su'gijapra'nata]; Perfected Spelling: Albertus Sugiyapranata; 25 November 1896 – 22 July 1963), better known by his birth name Soegija, was a Jesuit priest who became the Apostolic Vicar of Semarang and later its archbishop.
  • He was the first native Indonesian bishop and known for his pro-nationalistic stance, often expressed as "100% Catholic, 100% Indonesian". Soegija was born in Surakarta, Dutch East Indies, to a Muslim courtier and his wife.
  • The family moved to nearby Yogyakarta when Soegija was still young; there he began his education.
  • Known as a bright child, around 1909 he was asked by Father Frans van Lith to enter Xaverius College, a Jesuit school in Muntilan, where Soegija slowly became interested in Catholicism.
  • He was baptised on 24 December 1910.
  • After graduating from Xaverius in 1915 and spending a year as a teacher there, Soegija spent two years at the on-site seminary before going to the Netherlands in 1919.
  • He began his two-year novitiate with the Society of Jesus in September 1920 in Grave, and finished his juniorate there in 1923.
  • After three years studying philosophy at Berchmann College in Oudenbosch, he was sent back to Muntilan as a teacher for a further two years.
  • In 1928, he returned to the Netherlands to study theology at Maastricht, where he was ordained by Bishop of Roermond Laurentius Schrijnen on 15 August 1931; Soegija then added the word "pranata" to the back of his name.
  • He was then sent back to the Indies to preach and became a parochial vicar at the parish in Kidul Loji, Yogyakarta, and in 1934 he was given his own parish in Bintaran.
  • There he focused on creating a sense of Catholicism within the native community, emphasising the need for strong bonds between Catholic families.
  • Soegijapranata was consecrated as the vicar apostolic of the newly established Apostolic Vicariate of Semarang in 1940. Although the population of native Catholics expanded greatly in the years following his consecration, Soegijapranata was soon faced with numerous trials.
  • The Empire of Japan invaded the Indies beginning in early 1942, and during the ensuing occupation numerous churches were seized and clergymen were arrested or killed.
  • Soegijapranata was able to resist several of these seizures, and spent the rest of the occupation serving the Catholics in his vicariate.
  • After President Sukarno proclaimed the country's independence in August 1945, Semarang was overcome with unrest.
  • Soegijapranata helped broker a ceasefire after a five-day battle between Japanese and Indonesian troops and called for the central government to send someone to deal with the unrest and food shortages in the city.
  • However, these problems continued to grow, and in 1947 Soegijapranata moved his seat to Yogyakarta.
  • For the remainder of the national revolution Soegijapranata worked to promote international recognition of Indonesia's independence.
  • Soon after the Dutch, who had returned in late 1945, recognised the country's independence, Soegijapranata returned to Semarang.
  • During the post-revolution years he wrote extensively against communism and expanded the church; he also served as a mediator between several political factions.
  • He was made an archbishop on 3 January 1961, when Semarang was elevated to an ecclesiastical province.
  • At the time he was in Europe, participating in the first session of the Second Vatican Council.
  • Soegijapranata died in 1963, in Steyl, the Netherlands.
  • His body was flown back to Indonesia, where he was made a national hero and interred at Giri Tunggal Heroes' Cemetery in Semarang. Soegijapranata continues to be viewed with respect by both Catholic and non-Catholic Indonesians.
  • Several biographies have been written, and in 2012 a fictionalised biopic by Garin Nugroho, entitled Soegija, was released to popular acclaim.
  • Soegijapranata Catholic University, a large university in Semarang, is named after him.

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