Jaime Ramírez Gómez, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Jaime Ramírez Gómez

Date of Birth: 04-Jul-1940

Date of Death: 17-Nov-1986

Profession: military personnel, police officer

Nationality: Colombia

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Jaime Ramírez Gómez

  • Jaime Ramírez Gómez (July 4, 1940 – November 17, 1986) was an official of the National Police of Colombia, who led a fight against the illegal drug trade in Colombia from the 1970s onwards. He became the national director of the Colombian drug enforcement unit, working with the Minister of Justice Rodrigo Lara Bonilla against the Medellín Cartel.
  • The biggest blow against the cartel was dealt by Colonel Ramírez (later Brigadier General) on March 7, 1984 in an operation involving the DEA to locate and destroy a large cocaine production camp in the jungle of the Yari River (between the departments of Caqueta and Meta) known by the cartel as "Tranquilandia" (the Tranquil Land).
  • It triggered direct hostilities by the cartel against the Colombian State, commencing with the murders of Minister Lara Bonilla on April 20, 1984 and Colonel Jaime Ramírez Gómez two years later. The importance of Ramírez's fight against the drug traffickers has been highlighted years after his murder, due to the damage caused by drug cartels to both Colombian and international communities.
  • On August 10, 1992, almost six years after the murder of Ramírez, the President of Colombia decreed that he should receive a posthumous promotion to Brigadier General, a position that was due to be given to him one month after his murder.

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