Tehmina Durrani, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Tehmina Durrani

Pakistani feminist

Date of Birth: 18-Feb-1953

Place of Birth: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

Profession: writer, author

Nationality: Pakistan

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Tehmina Durrani

  • Tehmina Durrani (Urdu: ?????? ??????; born 18 February 1953) is a Pakistani author, artist, and activist on women's and children's rights.
  • Her first book, "My Feudal Lord" (1991), shocked the conservative Pakistani society because of the sensational exposure of her politically famous but abusive husband, Mustafa Khar.Her three-year tenure of service alongside Abdul Satar Edhi was transformational and life changing.
  • It also resulted in her authoring his (narrated) autobiography, "A Mirror to the Blind" (1996).
  • The influence of Edhi spurred her into social work and inspired her to establish the 'Tehmina Durrani Foundation', with a mission to further Edhi's way of "humanitarianism", and his vision of Pakistan as a Social Welfare State.As of 2018, she is married to politician Shahbaz Sharif.

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