Harald Kristian Dannevig, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Harald Kristian Dannevig

(1871-1914) applied scientist

Date of Birth: 02-Feb-1871

Date of Death: 01-Jan-1914

Profession: civil servant

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Harald Kristian Dannevig

  • Harald Kristian Dannevig (1871-1914) was a Norwegian-born fisheries expert.
  • In 1902 he was appointed by the government of New South Wales, Australia as superintendent of fisheries investigations and fish hatcheries.
  • In 1908 he became Commonwealth Director of Fisheries and identified large trawlable fishing grounds around south-eastern Australia. He was lost at sea on the fisheries investigation ship (F.I.S.) Endeavour, which left Macquarie Island on 3 December 1914 and was never seen again.
  • The ship was presumed by a marine court of inquiry to have foundered on 5 December 1914. Dannevig Island off Wilsons Promontory is named after him.

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