Madre María Rosa, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Madre María Rosa

Date of Birth: 14-Jan-1660

Place of Birth: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Date of Death: 14-Aug-1716

Profession: nun

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Madre María Rosa

  • Maria Rosa was a Capuchin nun from Madrid, Spain.
  • She left Spain in 1712 with four other founding nuns to Lima, Peru to establish a new Capuchin convent.
  • She was an example of the early modern women who were a part of the expansion of the Atlantic world.
  • Her documentation of her journey is the oldest known travel document written by a woman.
  • It was very atypical for a woman to be literate much less travel to the new world.
  • During the Council of Trent, nuns were strictly enclosed within the walls of their convents.
  • The only exception to this being for the founding of new convents.
  • Her account of her journey is a valuable insight to a pious woman's interpretation of the world outside of the cloistered walls of a covenant and proof that a woman, particularly one tied down by a strict Catholic council, had a burning spirit of mission with “equal flame” to those of so many men in Catholic Europe.

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