Thomas Adcock, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Thomas Adcock

American novelist

Date of Birth: 01-May-1947

Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Profession: writer, journalist, novelist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Thomas Adcock

  • Thomas Adcock is a Detroit-born journalist and novelist.
  • He is a winner of an Edgar Allan Poe Award.
  • As U.S.
  • correspondent for CulturMag, a Berlin-based international magazine of art and commentary, he writes on American behavior and politics.
  • His novels and short stories been translated into Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Bulgarian and Czech.
  • He began his newspaper career at the Detroit Free Press and has written for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Chicago Today, the Toronto Telegram, the New York Law Journal and The New York Times.Adcock has also worked at a Manhattan advertising agency and taught journalism and creative writing—at Temple University (Philadelphia), New York University, and the New School for Social Research (New York).
  • He has been active in P.E.N.
  • International, the Mystery Writers of America, the Czech Writers Union, and was co-founder of the North American chapter of the International Association of Crime Writers.He and his wife, the actress and writer Kim Sykes, live in New York City and upstate North Chatham, N.Y.
  • They are activists in progressive causes and political organizations.

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