Jonathan Luke Wood (born February 21, 1982), known professionally as J.
Luke Wood, is an American social scientist, author, and the Dean's Distinguished Professor of Education at San Diego State University.
He is consistent voice on leadership theory and black male achievement in the American community colleges system.
Wood is a Professor at San Diego State University and Co-Director of the Community College Equity Assessment Lab (CCEAL), a national research and practice center that partners with community colleges on issues regarding men of color.
CCEAL hosts the National Consortium on College Men of Color (NCCMC), a professional development consortium for member community colleges.Wood is a co-director of the Center for Organizational Responsibility and Advancement (CORA), a professional development organization that claims to support educational professionals in advancing their capacity to serve historically underrepresented and underserved students.
In 2013, Wood received the Barbara K.
Townsend Emerging Scholar Award from the Council for the Study of Community Colleges of the American Association of Community Colleges.
Wood earned his Ph.D.
in 2010 from Arizona State University (ASU) in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with a concentration in Higher Education.
He also holds a M.Ed.
in Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education from ASU as well as a M.A.
in Student Affairs and B.A.
in Black History and Politics from California State University, Sacramento.