Greg Boyd (theologian), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Greg Boyd (theologian)

American theologian and pastor

Date of Birth: 02-Jun-1957

Place of Birth: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Profession: writer, theologian

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Greg Boyd (theologian)

  • Gregory A.
  • Boyd (born June 2, 1957) is an American theologian, pastor, and author.
  • Boyd is Senior Pastor of Woodland Hills Church in St.
  • Paul, Minnesota and President of
  • He is one of the leading spokesmen in the growing Neo-Anabaptism movement, which is based in the tradition of Anabaptism and advocates Christian pacifism and a non-violent understanding of God. Boyd has also long been known as a leading advocate of open theism.
  • In addition, he is known for his writings on the relationship between Christianity and politics, including his best-selling book The Myth of a Christian Nation, which was written after the New York Times published a front-page cover article on Boyd's criticism of the Christian right.
  • In 2010, Boyd was listed as one of the twenty most influential living Christian scholars.
  • In addition to the New York Times, Boyd has also made appearances on CNN, NPR, the BBC, and The Charlie Rose Show.

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