Troy Southgate, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Troy Southgate

British far-right activist and publisher

Date of Birth: 22-Jul-1965

Place of Birth: Crystal Palace, England, United Kingdom

Profession: writer, author, editor, journalist, autobiographer

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Troy Southgate

  • Troy Southgate (born 22 July 1965) is a British far-right political activist and a self-described national-anarchist.
  • He has been affiliated with far-right and fascist groups, such as National Front and International Third Position, and is the founder and editor-in-chief of Black Front Press.
  • Southgate's movement has been described as working to "exploit a burgeoning counter culture of industrial heavy metal music, paganism, esotericism, occultism and Satanism that, it believes, holds the key to the spiritual reinvigoration of western society ready for an essentially Evolian revolt against the culturally and racially enervating forces of American global capitalism."

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