Carla Baratta, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Carla Baratta

Venezuelan actress, model and artist

Date of Birth: 09-Jul-1990

Place of Birth: San Cristóbal, Táchira, Venezuela

Profession: actor

Nationality: Venezuela

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Carla Baratta

  • Carla Baratta Sarcinelli (born 9 July 1990) is a Venezuelan actress, model, and artist.
  • She is most well known for being the star of the digital series "Bleep", broadcast by the mobile phone company Digitel GSM.
  • Since she was young, she has studied stage acting in places such as Estudio 7 Alfredo Aparicio in San Cristobal-Venezuela, the New York Film Academy and the New Collective in Los Angeles, as well as the Actors Gym in Caracas.In 2017, The Hollywood Reporter reported that she had been cast in the Sons of Anarchy spinoff, Mayans MC, as Adelita.

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