Verena Reichel, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Verena Reichel

German transaltor

Date of Birth: 21-Mar-1945

Place of Birth: Grimma, Saxony, Germany

Profession: writer, translator, author, linguist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Verena Reichel

  • Verena Reichel (born in Grimma, Saxony, 21 March 1945) is a German literary translator. Bilingual from childhood, she later studied Scandinavian literature, German literature, and theater.
  • Since 1972, she has worked as a freelance translator from Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish.
  • She has published more than 60 volumes of translations from Swedish, including three by Ingmar Bergman, six by Henning Mankell, and four each by Märta Tikkanen and Torgny Lindgren.
  • Especially notable are her translations of Lars Gustafsson: eighteen novels, three co-authored works, and poems gathered in Ein Vormittag in Schweden (1998; co-translators were Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Hanns Grössel; Reichel edited the volume and wrote an afterword) and in Jahrhunderte und Minuten (2009; with the same co-translators). Verena Reichel is a member of the Association of German-speaking Translators of Literary and Scientific Works (Verband deutschsprachiger Übersetzer literarischer und wissenschaftlicher Werke, VdÜ) within the Association of German Writers (Verband Deutscher Schriftsteller).
  • Among her awards are: the 1987 Translation Prize of the Swedish Academy, the Helmut M.
  • Braem Prize in 1992, the Petrarca Prize in 1995, also in 1995 the Nossack Academy Award of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz (together with Lars Gustafsson), in 1998 the Jane Scatcherd Prize, and in 2008 the Johann Heinrich Voss Prize for translation.The Petrarca Prize was awarded in particular for Reichel's translations of novels by Lars Gustafsson and the poetry of Katarina Frostenson, Lars Gustafsson, Johannes Edfelt, and Madeleine Gustafsson.

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