Lucia Hippolito, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Lucia Hippolito

Brazilian journalist

Date of Birth: 29-Jun-1950

Place of Birth: Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil

Profession: writer, historian, political scientist, journalist

Nationality: Brazil

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Lucia Hippolito

  • Lucia Hippolito (born June 29, 1950 in Bauru, São Paulo), is a Brazilian political scientist, journalist, historian, columnist and commentator.
  • She presents the daily radio program "CBN Rio" since 2008, and comments on politics in the same radio since 2002.
  • She also commented at UOL News and Globo News.
  • She used to debate at the programs "Sem Censura" from TVE/Rede Brasil and "Debates Populares" from Rádio Globo Am-Rio. Lucia was part of the team of women who debated at the weekly debate "As Meninas do Jô", aired during the Programa do Jô from 2005 to 2010.
  • The other debaters were Lilian Witte Fibe, Cristiana Lôbo and Ana Maria Tahan.
  • She was also chief of cabinet of the Presidency of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE).Lucia published many books about politics.
  • PSD de Raposas e Reformistas (PSD of Foxes and Reformists) was published by Editora Paz e Terra and awarded the Best Book of Political Science by the Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais (ANPOCS, Portuguese for National Association of Research and Post-Graduation at Social Science).
  • Política.
  • Quem faz, quem manda, quem obedece (Politics.
  • Who makes it, who orders, who obeys) was written with João Ubaldo Ribeiro and published via Editora Nova Fronteira.
  • Por dentro do governo Lula.
  • Anotações num diário de bordo (Inside Lula's Government.
  • Notes on a logbook) was published by Editora Futura.Lucia is married to professor Edgar Flexa Ribeiro, owner and director of Colégio Andrews, president of Academia Brasileira de Educação (Brazilian Academy of Education) and ex-president of Sindicato dos Estabelecimentos de Ensino Particular do Rio de Janeiro.

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