Egidio Viganò (born in Sondrio, Italy on June 29, 1920, died in Rome on January 23, 1995) was a Roman Catholic Priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco, who was the 7th Rector Major of that Order from 1977 until his death in 1995.
Although he was an Italian, he considered Chile as his second home country because he moved there when he was 19 years old.
He was also confessor of Pope John Paul II, a prominent theologian and writer.
During the first centenary of the death of Don Bosco (1988), Pope John Paul II dedicated to him the Apostolic Letter Iuvenum Patris (Father of the Youth): "To our beloved son Egidio Vigano, Rector Major of the Salesian Society on the First Centenary of the death of Saint John Bosco - John Paul II, Supreme Pontiff." He participated also in the Second Vatican Council.