Pamprepius, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death



Byzantine philosopher and poet

Date of Birth: 29-Sep-0440

Place of Birth: Akhmim, Sohag Governorate, Egypt

Date of Death: 01-Nov-0484

Profession: poet, philosopher

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Pamprepius

  • Pamprepius (Greek: ?aµp??p???, Pamprépios; Latin: Pamprepius; 29 September 440 – November 484) was a philosopher and a pagan poet who rebelled against the Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno. Damascius described him as a brilliant poet, Malchus as an acute politician, but ugly, arrogant, unscrupulous and treacherous; Rhetorius, an Egyptian astrologer, called him a charlatan and a libertine.
  • He has been compared to Claudian, as both these poets enjoyed eight years of political power at the side of usurpers.
  • He is considered the last pagan poet.His life is known with unusual precision, as his horoscope calculated by Rhetorius in the early sixth century has been found.

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