Leen Ryckaert (Ghent, 8 November 1957) is a Flemish psychologist and writer.
Ryckaert studied psychology and educational sciences at the University of Ghent.
She was scientific assistant at the University of Ghent and psycho-pedagogic consultant at a PMS-centre (now CLB - Centre for Student Coaching).
She now has an independent practice as clinical psychologist.
In March 2011, the book Je bent niet jouw gedachten was published.
It is a guide for people suffering from occupational burnout and depression (mood) and offers a way to choose for happiness.
Ryckaert is the author of the book Omgaan met Ouders, a handbook for teachers to help them deal in their meetings with parents.
In 1985, Ryckaert published the paper "Kohlberg's cognitive moral development theory.
Application to juvenile delinquency" and in 1987 the paper "The control of anger and aggressive behaviour.