Guy McPherson, Date of Birth


Guy McPherson

American scientist

Date of Birth: 29-Feb-1960

Profession: writer, ecologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Guy McPherson

  • Guy R.
  • McPherson is an American scientist, professor emeritus of natural resources and ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona.
  • He is known for the idea of Near-Term Human Extinction (NTHE), a term he coined about the likelihood of human extinction by 2030.McPherson's career as a professor began at Texas A&M University, where he taught for one academic year.
  • He taught for twenty years at the University of Arizona, and also taught at the University of California-Berkeley, Southern Utah University, and Grinnell College.
  • McPherson has served as an expert witness for legal cases involving land management and wildfires.
  • He has published more than 55 peer-reviewed publications.
  • In May 2009, McPherson began living on an off-grid homestead in southern New Mexico.
  • He then moved to Belize in July 2016.
  • He moved to New York in October of 2018.In November 2015, McPherson was interviewed on National Geographic Explorer with host Bill Nye.
  • Andrew Revkin in The New York Times said McPherson was an "apocalyptic ecologist ...
  • who has built something of an 'End of Days' following." Michael Tobis, a climate scientist from the University of Wisconsin, said McPherson "is not the opposite of a denialist.
  • He is a denialist, albeit of a different stripe." David Wallace-Wells writing in The Uninhabitable Earth (2019) called McPherson a "climate Gnostic" and on the "fringe," while climate scientist Michael E.
  • Mann said he was a "doomist cult hero."

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