Guillermo Tell Villegas Pulido, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Guillermo Tell Villegas Pulido

Venezuelan politician

Date of Birth: 28-Jul-1854

Place of Birth: Barinas, Venezuela

Date of Death: 25-Jul-1949

Profession: lawyer, politician, diplomat, journalist

Nationality: Venezuela

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Guillermo Tell Villegas Pulido

  • Guillermo Tell Villegas Pulido (28 July 1854 – 25 July 1949), was a Venezuelan lawyer, writer, journalist, and politician who served as acting president of Venezuela.
  • A lawyer early in his career, in 1876 he cofounded the school La Paz in Caracas.
  • Also dedicated to journalism, he founded the publications Alianza Literaria in 1876, La MayorĂ­a in 1879, and Monitor in 1889.
  • Between 1879 and 1892 he held various political roles including Secretary of Interior of the Federal District, secretary general in the government of President Antonio Guzmán Blanco, and a trial judge in Caracas.Villegas Pulido served as deputy for the state of BolĂ­var from 1890 until 1892.
  • Following the resignation of president Guillermo Tell Villegas during the crisis of the Legalist Revolution, Villegas Pulido was selected by the Federal Council as the provisional president of Venezuela in August 1892.
  • During his short tenure, he helped establish the Psychiatric Hospital of Caracas.
  • After JoaquĂ­n Crespo established himself as president by force in October 1892, Villegas Pulido left the country.
  • Returning to Venezuela in 1898, until 1904 he headed three state governments, starting with FalcĂłn and followed by Guárico and Apure.He first served as Attorney General of Venezuela from 1899 until 1909, holding the role a total of three times.
  • Consul of Venezuela in the Trinidad from 1906 until 1907, in 1909 he served as president of the chamber of deputies, and afterwards served a 22-year term as interim president of the Liberator Order.
  • He taught at the Central University of Venezuela in his later years, helping found the Academy of Social and Political Sciences and serving as Dean of the Faculty of Political Science, as well as vice chancellor.
  • He also published several law papers and books before his death in Caracas in 1949.

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