Christian Jacobsen Drakenberg (18 November 1626 (?) – 9 October 1772) was a Norwegian sailor who, according to his information, was born in 1626 in Blomsholm, Norway and thus reached the age of 145.
The claims have since proven less than credible but at the time it was widely accepted and contributed to his considerable fame.
Drakenberg led a colorful life as a sailor; he traveled much in Europe and Asia, was held captive by pirates on several occasions and fought in 3 wars under different Danish kings.
He retired at 86 and in light of his impressive story he was awarded a yearly pension by the Danish king.
Drakenberg spent the last years of his life living with beneficiaries and friends until his death in 1772 in Aarhus, Denmark.The most important source for Drakenberg's life is the publication "Den ældgamle Normand, Christian Jacobsen Drakenbergs, Levnets-Beskrivelse; Tilligemed den over ham holdte Liigprædiken, og hans Portrait" (English: The ancient Norwegian, Christian Jacobsen Drakenbergs, life description; In addition the funeral sermon held and his portrait) by a tenant named Mønster on the manor Allinggård from 1774.
The publication is based on Drakenberg's own memories which he had written down when he lived at the manor in the 1750s.
Mønster also added information about conversations he had with Drakenberg and a number of second-hand accounts.