Author: James Zeruk, Jr.
Source: This image is cropped and considerably reduced in size from the page in which it was scanned. This image was used for a playbill featuring Peg Entwistle in the 1931 Broadway show, "Just To Remind You."
The image was published on September 5, 1931 on page 24 of a weekly magazine featuring Broadway plays and actors. The page was part of a trade magazine titled "Mid-Week Pictorials" which is no longer extant.
I have removed underlying text to this image describing Peg Entwistle's appearance in the play. While the name "White" appears under the image on the actual page, there is nothing indicating a copyright, or copyright symbol. There is no attached warning or prohibition against the re-use of this image and the magazine page from whence it came.
I have done extensive searches for this image and found only similar images, but nothing of this exact image as I have it on the 1931 magazine page I own. The actual page also featured several other images of actors in various plays as well as advertisements for several shows.
No copyright notices or symbols accompany any of these other images or ads. The different images have several different names indicating a photographer, but no single author or photographer was responsible for the entire page--which I own and have in my possession.
This image has been greatly reduced from its size on the magazine page (1083 x 2069 to 196 x 296)
Taken by itself, and seen as I have presented it, this image would not be associated with the magazine page from whence it came.
I believe that since I own the actual 1931 page on which this image appears, and that this page has no attached claim of ownership other than myself (as the current owner of this page) and that the page's image of Peg Entwistle, while having the name "White" underlying it without any explicit notice of "copyright," "year," "owner" or "©" attached, a "Fair Use" permission be allowed for its use on the WP Peg Entwistle page.
License: CC-BY-SA-4.0
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