Alfred Gusenbauer, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Alfred Gusenbauer

Austrian chancellor

Date of Birth: 08-Feb-1960

Place of Birth: St. Pölten, Lower Austria, Austria

Profession: politician

Nationality: Austria

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Alfred Gusenbauer

  • Alfred Gusenbauer (born 8 February 1960) is an Austrian politician who until 2008 spent his entire professional life as an employee of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) or as a parliamentary representative.
  • He headed the SPÖ from 2000 to 2008, and served as Chancellor of Austria from January 2007 to December 2008.
  • Since then he has pursued a career as a consultant and lecturer, and as a member of supervisory boards of Austrian companies.

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