Penelope Heyns, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Penelope Heyns


Date of Birth: 08-Nov-1974

Place of Birth: Springs, Gauteng, South Africa

Profession: swimmer

Nationality: South Africa

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Penelope Heyns

  • Penelope ("Penny") Heyns OIS (born 8 November 1974) is a South African former swimmer, who is best known for being the only woman in the history of the Olympic Games to have won both the 100 m and 200 m breaststroke events - at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games - making her South Africa's first post-apartheid Olympic gold medallist following South Africa's re-admission to the Games in 1992.
  • Along with Australian champion Leisel Jones, Heyns is regarded as one of the greatest breaststroke swimmers.

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