Gary Yourofsky, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Gary Yourofsky

animal rights activist

Date of Birth: 19-Aug-1970

Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Profession: animal rights advocate

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Gary Yourofsky

  • Gary Yourofsky (born August 19, 1970) is an American animal rights activist and lecturer.
  • He has had a major influence on contemporary veganism.Yourofsky was sponsored by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) between the years 2002–2005, and has given many public lectures promoting veganism.
  • In 2010, Yourofsky's popularity quickly accelerated around the world (especially in Israel) following the release of a YouTube video of him giving a speech at the Georgia Institute of Technology, as the video gained millions of views and has been translated into tens of different languages.
  • Yourofsky has been admired by many, and criticized by others for his alleged extreme views.
  • He has been arrested 13 times between the years 1997–2001, and has spent 77 days in a Canadian maximum security prison in 1999, after raiding a fur farm in Canada and releasing 1,542 minks in 1997.
  • He is also permanently banned from entering Canada and Britain.On March 30, 2017, Yourofsky announced the end of his activist life on his Facebook page, stating: "My tank is completely empty, so I will no longer be online or active in any capacity besides helping students with animal rights projects and answering emails from people who are beginning their vegan journeys."

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