Vinko Žganec, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Vinko Žganec

Croatian enthnomusicologist

Date of Birth: 22-Jan-1890

Date of Death: 12-Dec-1976

Profession: lawyer, musicologist, ethnomusicologist

Nationality: Croatia

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Vinko Žganec

  • Vinko Žganec (January 22, 1890 - December 12, 1976) was a Croatian ethnomusicologist. Žganec was born in Vratišinec in Medimurje.
  • He started to be interested in music early in his childhood and jotted down his first folk song in 1908.
  • In 1916, he published his first book of Croatian folk songs from Medimurje.
  • Later he extended the work to cover the Bunjevci Croats in Hungary and Croats from Gradišce in Austria.
  • He studied theology and later law, becoming a Doctor of Law in 1919. The composer and ethnomusicologist Béla Bartók kept in close contact with him while collecting folk songs along the border of Hungary and Croatia.
  • Bartók respected Žganec because of both the accuracy of his research and the notation.
  • Music started to be his primary focus in 1945 when he became the head of the Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb.
  • During the span of his research, Žganec collected, recorded, and wrote down more than 19,000 songs, including many Croatian tamburica; these have been preserved for future generations to be used and studied.
  • There is some evidence that he collected more than 25,000 songs (15,000 just from his native Medimurje).
  • Some of them were not entirely documented. Žganec became the first director of the Institute of Folklore Research, and was an active participant in the Folklorist Society of Croatia.
  • He taught at the Academy of Music in Zagreb where he was a great influence on his colleagues and students.
  • Similar to Žganec's work was that of Franjo Kuhac, another man who devoted his life to research on the national cultural heritage.

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