Andrew's College, Christchurch.
1955 BA University of Canterbury.
1960 LLB Victoria University of Wellington.
From 1955 to 1958 he was employed from Shell Oil Co, .
In 1958 he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (New Zealand).
From 1958 to 1974 he was posted in London, Western Samoa, Bangkok.
From 1975 to 1977 he was Consul General in New York.
From 1979 to 1982 he was ambassador in Beijing.
From 1982 to 1985 he was High Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) con acredition in Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei).
From 1985 to 1988 he was Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (New Zealand).
From 1988 to 1992 he was ambassador in Bangkok (Thailand) con acredition in Hanoi (Vietnam), Vientiane (Laos) and Yangon (Burma).
From 1992 to 1995 he was ambassador in Manila (Philippines).