Lazar Lagin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Lazar Lagin

Soviet writer

Date of Birth: 21-Nov-1903

Place of Birth: Vitebsk, Belarus

Date of Death: 16-Jun-1979

Profession: screenwriter, writer, poet, children's writer, science fiction writer

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Lazar Lagin

  • Lazar Yosifovych Lagin (Russian: ??´???? ??´??????? ?????) was the pen name of Lazar Ginzburg (4 December 1903, Vitebsk – 4 June 1979, Moscow), a Soviet author of children's and science fiction books. Lagin is best known for his ever-popular book Starik Hottabych (?????? ????????, Old Man Hottabych, 1938), a fairy tale telling the story of a genie who is freed from captivity by a Soviet schoolboy.
  • The genie, as is to be expected, has some trouble in adapting to modern life values and technological development.
  • The book was recommended to school libraries by Ministry of general and professional education of Russian Federation; it was made into the film Old Khottabych in 1956. Lagin's science fiction novels are set in imaginary Western "capitalist" countries and satirize misuse of scientific inventions in bourgeois society.
  • His novella Major Well Andyou (????? ???? ?????) is a satiric sequel to H.
  • G.
  • Wells' The War of the Worlds. Lagin was also a screenplay writer, producing, for instance, the screenplay for the 1967 animation film Passion of Spies.

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