Gourgen Yanikian, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Gourgen Yanikian

Armenian engineer

Date of Birth: 24-Dec-1895

Place of Birth: Erzurum, Turkey

Date of Death: 27-Mar-1984

Profession: writer, engineer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Gourgen Yanikian

  • Gourgen Mkrtich Yanikian or in Western Armenian Kourken Mgrditch Yanigian (Armenian: ??????? ?????? ????????, December 24, 1895 – February 27, 1984) was an Armenian American engineer, Armenian Genocide survivor, best known for the assassination of two Turkish consular officials, Los Angeles Consul General Mehmet Baydar and Consul Bahadir Demir, in California in 1973.
  • Sentenced to life imprisonment, Yanikian was released on parole in January 1984.
  • It is widely believed that Yanikian's act was the inspiration for the founding of the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, the Armenian militant organization of the 1970s and 1980s which staged attacks on Turkish diplomats in retaliation for the Armenian Genocide.

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