Joe Quesada, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Joe Quesada


Date of Birth: 12-Jan-1962

Place of Birth: New York City, New York, United States

Profession: actor, writer, television producer, comics artist, executive producer, cartoonist, editor, film producer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Joe Quesada

  • Joseph Quesada (; born December 1, 1962) is an American comic book artist, writer, editor, and television producer.
  • He became known in the 1990s for his work on various Valiant Comics books, such as Ninjak and Solar, Man of the Atom.
  • He later worked on numerous books for DC Comics and Marvel Comics, such as Batman: Sword of Azrael and X-Factor, before forming his own company, Event Comics, where he published his creator-owned character, Ash. In 1998 he became an editor of Marvel Comics' Marvel Knights line, before becoming editor-in-chief of the company in 2000.
  • He was named Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment in 2010 and left his editor-in-chief role in January 2011, being replaced by Axel Alonso.
  • He was, at his retirement, the longest-serving Marvel editor-in-chief other than Stan Lee.

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