Oliver Fiechter, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Oliver Fiechter

Date of Birth: 30-Apr-1972

Place of Birth: Argentina

Profession: economist

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Oliver Fiechter

  • Oliver Fiechter (born April 30, 1972) is a Swiss economic philosopher, digital business model innovatonist, management visionaire, entrepreneur, and author of the books, We Are The Economy! (2012) and Rise of the Digital Tribal Society (2016).
  • With his book published in 2012, he describes an economic philosophy of ‘Economy 3.0’ as a principle of need satisfaction and a new way of working together that reflects this fundamental change.
  • Economy 3.0 is an economy that is decentrally controlled by people.
  • Put simply, Economy 1.0 can be described as agriculture.
  • The Economy 2.0 is the industrial society and Economy 3.0 is the service society.
  • Each economy level includes shares of the others.
  • The significant difference is this: Economy 2.0 was about eliminating scarcity.
  • In Economics 3.0, the goal is to deal with the abundance.
  • Fiechter has the vision of a future global economic and social order, defined by a transparent digital barter society, based on reciprocity, equality, and cooperation instead of competition.
  • Based on the ‘Economy 3.0’ theory Fiechter invented a management-, strategy- and controlling-methodology for human-centered corporate management.
  • Furthermore Fiechter is the founder of the ISG Institute in St.
  • Gallen and General Director of M&H Equity AG, an private equity investement company that operates internationally and with a unique methodology that can identify risks and potentials in companies based on the soft factors.
  • For the Carlo Foundation, by the Liechtenstein government, he developed a rating approach for the sustainable rating and valuation of financial products.
  • On behalf of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, he developed the hidden champion 3.0 award, which rates export-oriented companies according to the rating criteria of the economy 3.0.
  • Fiechter has been involved with his project Peerworld of the Clinton Global Initiative since 2016.

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