Monica Frassoni, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Monica Frassoni

Italian politician

Date of Birth: 10-Sep-1963

Place of Birth: Veracruz, Mexico

Profession: politician

Nationality: Italy

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Monica Frassoni

  • Monica Frassoni (born 10 September 1963) is an Italian politician who has been co-chair of the European Green Party since 2009. In 2010, she co-founded and is the current President of the European Alliance to Save Energy a multi-stakeholder, business-led organisation which aims to promote and advocate energy savings and a new energy model.
  • She is also a member of the steering committee of the Coalition of Energy Savings.Since 2013, she has been president of the board of directors of the European Centre for Electoral Support (ECES), a non-profit private foundation created in 2010 to implement electoral assistance projects around the world. Monica Frassoni is a member of the board of trustees of "Friends of Europe" a leading think tank that works to promote a more inclusive, sustainable and forward-looking Europe.
  • She is also a board member of the Foundation ceci n'est pas une crise, created in 2013 in Belgium to respond to the challenges of cultural and identity populism.

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