Abdeslam Mahmoudi was a professional tennis player, he was born in 30 December 1935 and die in 16 February 2018.
He was the best coach in Algeria .
He started playing tennis at the age of 6, he was poor and he worked as a ball-picker just to have at least one piece of bread to his family, and at the same time he watched others player and learn the techniques of tennis.
When he was outside he picked up pebbles and feasted with the movements he learned .
At the age of 8 he was able to join a club and after long time at the age of 16 he was already a champion of Algeria and after a champion of africa.
And began to play and win tournaments outside Africa and he win a MedalBronze in 1972 in mediterranean games singles and doubles nd also to play in two Davis Cup ties for 1977 and 1978 and won one of his six rubbers .
He was married at the age of 24 and hade a children.
He is a father who knew how to make all his children love tennis: Houcine Fouad, Fatima Zohra, Malika, Aldjia Nora, Hadda, Mohamed and Nourredine and make them true champions just like Samira who won the title of champion of Africa.He is simply one of the leading members of Algerian tennis.
And he became thanks to his devotion he exercised his profession of prediction to know train and supervise the young people to whom he gives without counting his know-how.
On his credit several titles with the players of which he deserves to be the trainer one can quote: Benhabiles Tarik, Galou Reda, Amier Yacine, Boudjemilin Kamel; Seghir Feriel, Harami Wael,Akli Amelia and Baitiche Sarah.
All those who rub shoulders with him reclassify his qualities of coach, educator and father to the listening of everyone.
And to finish we pray for him and we have to say allah yerahmou and tribute to you our father, our grandfather, our friend, our brother, our coach that you stay in peace.
We gonna love you forever and we will never forget you .