Saint Rudesind (Galician: San Rosendo, Rudesindo; Latin: Rudesindus) (November 26, 907 – March 1, 977) was a Galician bishop and abbot.
He was also a regional administrator and military leader under his kinsmen, the Kings of León.
Rudesind was born into the nobility: his father was Count Gutierre Menéndez (Latin: Gutiher Ermegildi), brother-in-law to Ordoño II and supporter of Alfonso III of León, and his mother was St.
Ilduara Eriz (Latin: Hilduara Erici), daughter of count Ero Fernández.
His sister Hermesenda became wife of Count Pelayo González and mother-in-law of count Gonzalo Menéndez.
Rudesind was the grandson of Ermesenda Gatónez, sister of his predecessor in the see of Mondoñedo (Dumium), Bishop Sabarico II, and was also related to the abbess Saint Senorina.
He became a monk at a young age and became bishop of Mondoñedo at the age of 18 (as Rudesind II).
He served as Bishop from 925 to 950, then after a hiatus in which his nephew Arias Núnez filled the role, again served briefly from 955 to 958, to be followed again by Arias.
Another nephew, Arias Peláez, would later hold the see.