Carl Ferdinand Allen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Carl Ferdinand Allen

Danish Historian

Date of Birth: 23-Apr-1811

Place of Birth: Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark

Date of Death: 27-Dec-1871

Profession: historian, theologian, journalist

Nationality: Denmark

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Carl Ferdinand Allen

  • Carl Ferdinand Allen (April 23, 1811 in Copenhagen – December 27, 1871) was a Danish historian.
  • He studied at the University of Copenhagen.
  • He spent three years (1845-1848) researching at the archives of England, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany; upon completion of this task, he returned to Denmark.
  • In 1851 he became a lecturer at the University of Copenhagen and, in 1862, a professor of history and northern archaeology.His principal work is his De Tre Nordiske Rigers Historie, 1497-1536, ("The History of the Three Northern Kingdoms," five volumes, 1864–72).
  • He wrote the work following years of examinations of the archives of European nations. Allen's Haandbog i Fædrelandets Historie ("Handbook in the History of the Fatherland"), from 1855, dealt with Danish history spanning from the Viking Ages until his lifetime.
  • In that work he argued that the Vikings had a fatherland feelings and that democracy existed in Denmark during the Viking Ages. In Om Sprog og Folke-Eiendommelighed i Hertugdømmet Slesvig eller Sønderjylland ("About Language and Singularity in the Duchy of Schleswig or Sonderjylland"), Allen depicted the Germans in a negative way and accused them of having intrinsic urge to expand and to dominate other peoples.
  • He did so because the Danes and Germans both wanted the Duchy of Schleswig to belong in their respective nations, so Allen used his work in a purpose to mobilize the mass.

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