Ernst Grube, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ernst Grube

Date of Birth: 13-Dec-1932

Place of Birth: Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Profession: politician

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Ernst Grube

  • Ernst Grube (born 13 December 1932) is a German teacher and Holocaust survivor.
  • He never tires of presenting - "up to a hundred times a year" - the story of his childhood in Nazi Germany.
  • In contrast, he speaks very little of what happened after his release from the Theresienstadt concentration camp and his return to Munich in May 1945: his involvement with the FDJ (loosely "Young Communists") and the Communist Party itself during the period when it had been banned in West Germany.
  • His trades union activism, his campaigning against re-armament during the 1950s and in favour of reunification receive little coverage.
  • Several times his activism led him to violent police encounters and arrest.
  • A leafleting campaign he undertook for the (illegal) Communist Party led to several months of solitary confinement and a conviction from a federal court.

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