Born in Herculândia-SP-Brazil and graduated bachelor's degree in chemistry at the Federal University of São Carlos in 1981, master's degree in Organic Chemistry from the University of São Paulo (1984) and a PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of São Paulo (1989) under the guidance of Prof.
He was Professor of Chemistry at the Federal University of Santa Maria (1985-2008).
He was coordinator of the Chemistry Committee of FAPERGS (2000-2001).
He was coordinator of a Center of Excellence project (PRONEX-2005 -..
Support Center for Bio-Organic Organocalcogênios, He was General secretary of the 11th Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis (11th BMOS, 2005).
Currently he is a Full Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Chemistry Department.
He has experience in Organic synthesis, acting on the following topics: Green Chemistry, Asymmetric Catalysis, organoselenium bioactive molecules and selenium and tellurium derived amino acids and other natural products, Synthesis of the seleno-enzyme glutathione peroxidase mimetic.
Coordinates CT_Infra projects at UFSC; has supervised 29 PhD students, 31 masters students, 8 postdocs (6 Brazilians, 1 German and 1 Indian), 4 doctors / German sandwich has published over 240 papers in journals recognized by the community, cited by 6400 research articles, H level:..
42, deposited 8 patents (USA, Brazil).
Award: researcher Featured in Chemistry, FAPERGS, 2007.
In 2009 he was elected member in the Advisory Board of the International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium (ICCST).
A member of the CNPq Chemistry Committee between 2009 - 2011 (CA Coordinator between 2009-2010).
Designated and elected member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC).
In 2014 he was elected to the advisory board of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ).