Ibrahim Mohamed Fayad (Arabic: ??????? ???? ????? [ 'ibrahim mohamed fayad]; 8 May 1931 – 31 January 2008) was an Egyptian senior pediatrician.
He is Professor of Pediatrics, Kasr Al Aini School of Medicine, Cairo University.
Fayad's major achievements may be summarised:
modifying of WHO-ORS for treatment of diarrhea dehydration
establishing the Egyptian Society of Pediatric Gastro-enterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (EGSPGHAN) at 1991
initiating the Pan-Arab Union of Pediatric Gastro-enterology, Hepatology & Nutrition at 1998, which lead to initiation of similar societies in many Arab countries.
establishing the Egyptian Society of Child & Environment at 1994
establishing the Pan-Arab Union Child & Environment at 2000.
adopting many important health problems among Egyptian & Arab children like zinc deficiency, aflatoxin toxicity, celiac disease and many others which were discussed through the annual conferences of the societies.
designing the Rehydro-Zinc formula in association with CID pharmaceutical company that is currently available in the Egyptian markets.Through these societies he was able to adopt many important health problems among Egyptian & Arab children like zinc deficiency, aflatoxin toxicity, celiac disease and many others which were discussed through the annual conferences of the societies.
In association with CID pharmaceutical company he designed the Rehydro-Zinc formula that is currently available in the Egyptian markets.
His work on treatment of diarrheal diseases and dehydration will continue to affect child health in Egypt and worldwide.