Annet Malherbe, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Annet Malherbe

Dutch actress

Date of Birth: 23-Nov-1957

Place of Birth: Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands

Profession: actor, performing artist, film actor

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Annet Malherbe

  • Annet Malherbe (born 23 November 1957) is a Dutch actress.
  • She is known for her roles in films directed by her husband Alex van Warmerdam, such as Voyeur, The Northerners, The Dress, Little Tony and Grimm.
  • Malherbe was nominated for European Film Award for Best Actress for Little Tony. In January 2012, it was confirmed Malherbe, Kasper van Kooten, Marcel Musters and Jelka van Houten would be the stars of a new RTL4 sketch show, What If?.

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