Philippe De Brouwer, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Philippe De Brouwer

Date of Birth: 21-Feb-1969

Place of Birth: Leuven, Flemish Region, Belgium

Profession: academic

Nationality: Belgium

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Philippe De Brouwer

  • Philippe J.S.
  • De Brouwer (born 21 February 1969) is a European investment and banking professional as well as academician in finance and investing.
  • As a scientist he is mostly known for his solution to the Fallacy of Large Numbers (formulated by Paul A Samuelson in 1963) and his formulation of the Maslowian Portfolio Theory in the field of investment advice (and annex theory Target Oriented Investment Advice. He worked mainly in Belgium, Ireland and Poland, where he currently lives.
  • He is associated to the University of Warsaw and has a collaboration with the Vlerick Business School, while working in risk management for a large banking corporation.

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