Richard Albano Albano (born April 13, 1960) is a retired Filipino general who is the author of Oplan Lambat-Sibat, a nationwide anti-crime program.
Since the launch of this program, Albano was lauded by the national government for the number of successful arrests during his stints at the Quezon City Police District and Police Regional Office 4-A.He is one of the youngest police officers to be conferred the Star Rank in the Philippines, and was conferred the Cavalier Award in 2014 by the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) for his exemplary performance in the field of police operations.
The Cavalier Award is the most coveted and highest honour that can be given to a PMA alumnus.Albano is popular among the press because of his practical, thoughtful, and swift police investigation and operations management earning him the nickname, "Friend of the Press."