Thietmar of Merseburg, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Thietmar of Merseburg

German bishop and historian

Date of Birth: 25-Jul-0975

Date of Death: 01-Dec-1018

Profession: writer, historian, Catholic priest, chronicler

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Thietmar of Merseburg

  • Thietmar (also Dietmar or Dithmar; 25 July 975 – 1 December 1018), Prince-Bishop of Merseburg from 1009 until his death, was an important chronicler recording the reigns of German kings and Holy Roman Emperors of the Ottonian (Saxon) dynasty.
  • Two of Thietmar's great-grandfathers, both referred to Liuthar, were the Saxon nobles Lothar II, Count of Stade, and Lothar I, Count of Walbeck.
  • They were both killed fighting the Slavs at the Battle of Lenzen.

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