Aurelio González Ovies, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Aurelio González Ovies

Poet and writer

Date of Birth: 09-Feb-1964

Place of Birth: Bañugues, Asturias, Spain

Profession: writer, poet, children's writer

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Aurelio González Ovies

  • Aurelio González Ovies (born February 9, 1964 in Bañugues) is a Spanish writer and poet from Asturias.
  • He has a Ph.D in Classical Philology and he is a Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Oviedo.
  • In words of the writer Victor Alperi: "a poet-not forgetting his role as a university professor and feature writer-with a very personal vision of human reality, highlighting within the rich panorama of contemporary Spanish poetry with an original voice.
  • Not belonging to literary groups, imposing his style since his first book (...)".From his first collection of poems, Las horas en vano (1989), to the most recent, No (2009), in his poetic works include several literary awards and the anthology compiled twenty years of poems Esta luz tan breve (Poesía 1988-2008) where the poet gathers around 150 poems in which some of the more used gender issues loom: love and heartbreak, loneliness, death and childhood.
  • Michael Florián, Spanish poet and critic, presumes in the preface that "the reading of poetry Aurelio González Ovies comforts, offers beauty and truth revealed and clean world".In 2007 initiates its walking in children's literature with the publication in the Pintar-Pintar editorial, El poema que cayó a la mar it has been a success in the children poetic world and after this one, another six illustrated albums of poetry were added .
  • Several of these titles are co-published in different languages (Castilian, Catalan, Asturian), and the last, Versonajes (2013), has recently been awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport with an Award for the Best Book Published in Spain in 2014 at the category of Youth and Children's Books.María García Esperón, Mexican writer of children's literature, has committed years revealing the word of Aurelio González Ovies around the world through the dissemination of his work online.
  • In his opinion, "his poetry is born from the simple experience, the feeling of love by the roots, love of what we are, the wonder of feel alive and to assess the difficult things in life: death, separation ...
  • all that we human beings living as an opportunity more than beauty ".The poetry of Aurelio González Ovies has recently been the object of study at the University of Oviedo in a Doctoral Thesis, developed by Sara María Bárcena de Cuendias and directed by Antonio Fernandez Insuela.
  • The author of the first thesis on the Asturian poet explains that "his poetry serves to him to vindicate the free poet, against the tide, out of tune in the best sense of the word".He is also a regular contributor to Asturian newspapers, currently writes a biweekly article, in a poetic tone, for La Nueva España.
  • Since "his poetry is simple (it should be known that poetic simplicity is a gift, there is no grammar course to access to it) and deep; his verses come to the common reader, the reader from every day, and also, of course, the knowledgeable reader form, musicality, style, originality, and the message of the word ".

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