Ian Brennan (born 15 June 1966) is an American music producer, author and lecturer on violence prevention.He has authored five books, two on anger, Anger Antidotes (2011) and Hate-less (2014); a novella, Sister Maple Syrup Eyes (2015); and two on music, How Music Dies (or Lives) (2016) and Silenced by Sound (2019).
Brennan travels in search of countries and languages whose music is under-represented internationally, making field recordings of musicians and producing albums of their work.
He started out making nine albums of his own music, and hosting gigs, making live recordings and releasing compilation albums of local bands in San Francisco.
Of the albums he has produced, Tinariwen's Tassili (2011) won a Grammy Award for Best World Music Album and Zomba Prison Project (2015) was nominated; and Ramblin' Jack Elliott's I Stand Alone (2006) and Peter Case's Let Us Now Praise Sleepy John (2007) were nominated for Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Album.